This beautiful instrument is my Weltmeister accordion! In 2020 I order it online secondhand from Harmony Musical Workshop in Ukraine (I highly recommend them). I haven't been able to find out what year it was made but my best guess is sometime between the 60s and 70s? I may never know what life it lived before me.
- 80 Bass Buttons (stradella system)
- 34 Treble Keys
- 5 Treble Registers (3 Treble Reed Ranks)
- Bassoon
- Bandoneon
- Musette
- Violin
- Clarinet
- 3 Bass Registers (3 Bass Reed Ranks)
- Adjustable Bass Strap
- Air-Release Valve
I bought this on a whim after being inspiried by my favorite bands Wintergatan and Detektivbyran. I have used to it to play many covers of their songs, as well as a lot of classic French Musette pieces, video game soundtracks, polka, christmas music, Beatles songs, and my own compositions. It's a very fun and rewarding instrument to learn, and quite uncommon where I live. Sometimes I wish it had 120 bass notes but it has been good to learn on. Eventually I want to get a chromatic button accordion with 120 bass notes and a free bass converter. The design on the bellows was done by me with some colored tape.
I recorded the accordion part for this S'mores Google Doodle! Thanks to Aivi & Surrashu for letting me work with them!